Pre-booking - Picture Astrology - Signs - Release November 30 2020
Understand and learn Signs (Rashis) in a never before way. Descriptions from ancient text explained in modern context and in way to relate with modern world and understand your life better.
Book covers many concepts which you will be dealt with first time in any book -
1. New explanation of 3 basic constructs of Astrology (House, Planets and Signs)
2. Fundamentals of 5 elements (Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth) and their corelation with each Signs.
3. How a element imparts its properties to a Sign
4. How to see each Zodiac Sign in real life with pictures -
5. Behavior pattern of each sign
6. How to identify a dominant sign with Physical appearance
7. Likes and dislikes of sign - Food, Places, Professions, Area of interests, Body Parts, Possible ailments etc.
9. How ancient concepts of a Sign rising from head or tail applies in current world
10. How every planet behaves in a sign
11. What to expect if you have dominant sign and how to deal with Spouse, Children and Boss with a dominant sign
12. and much more food for thoughts
All this presented in a way that you not only read Astrology but See it and Feel it.
Pre-booking - e-book - Launching Nov 30
If you buy at pre-booking phase, you will get a link on Nov 30 to download the book at your email ID.
Please send email to pictureastrology@gmail.com if interested. Thanks

Pre-booking - Picture Astrology - Bhav - House - Release Nov 30 2020
Understand Houses - "Bhav" in a never before way.
True meaning of House or Bhav i.e. Repository of your experiences.
Difference between House and other Astrology Basics (Signs/Planets)
Energies of Each Bhav
Find out which House is strongest
True Meaning of Various House Divisions - e.g.
Dharm Arth Kaam Moksha
Fire, Earth, Air, Water
Kendra, Panphara (Succedent), Apoklima (Cadent)
Kendra, Trikon
Upachaya (3,6,10,11) Anupchaya – 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12
Tri – Shad – Aya – 3,6,11
Trik, Dusht – 6, 8 , 12
Maraka 2,7
Chaturasras are Bandhu and Randhr Bhava
Bhavat Bhavam
2 - 3,
3- 5,
5- 9,
Kendra to a House
Trikon to a house
Chaturasra – 4 and 8
12 and 2nd from a house
6-8 Relation
Pre-booking - e-book - Launching Nov 30
If you buy at pre-booking phase, you will get a link on Nov 30 to download the book at your email ID.
Please send email to pictureastrology@gmail.com if interested. Thanks