Sun in First House for Aries Ascendant
Exalted Sun in First House
Aries Ascendant - Sun in First House (Sun in Aries)
Physique - Exalted Sun in first house gives a large square body, a lot of acid or high heat in body, less hair on head especially from...
Prana - The Life Force & Why Jupiter is Called Jeeva Karaka
Vedic texts refers the Life Energy in the body as "Prana". Death is defined as moving out of this life energy "Prana" from the body....

GajaKesari Yoga
Yoga in astrology generally refers to a particular arrangement of Planets which yields significant influence on a Horoscope. According to...

Rahu and Ketu are DNAs
Rahu and Ketu are always associated with our family genes. Basically it is said that our family karma are passed on to us in DNAs we...

Rahu and Ketu actually Move like a Snake
All the planets in Astrology moves around Sun in a elliptical (or egg like) orbit. However we saw in last post that Rahu and Ketu are not...

What is Rahu and Ketu
What is Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) Today is the complete Lunar eclipse day so its great day to start a series on Rahu and...

Qualities of Sign – Pisces
Pisces is Dual and Watery Sign Pisces is the pinnacle of “Dual” energy, so much so that it rises from both Head and Back (two fishes in...

Qualities of Sign - Aquarius
Aquarius is the Fixed Airy Sign The symbol of Aquarius is water bearer – A man holding water pot and in Vedic cultures simply a water...

Qualities of Sign – Capricorn
Capricorn is the Active Earth Sign We know that basic nature of Earth element is inertia i.e. remain in the state as is without change....